

Want to take a quiz?

You may know more about Poland and things Polish than you think. Have a go!

When somebody mentions Poland, your first thought is:

  1. Wayne Gretzky
  2. Marie Curie
  3. Sausage
  4. Schindlers List

Okay, Wayne Gretzky is Canadian. His grandparents emigrated to the USA and then to Ontario from Belarus, so the spelling of his name could lead us to guess Polish. Marie Curie? Definitely Polish and winner of two Nobel prizes, one for physics and one for chemistry. Sausage? Really. Well, your thoughts are your thoughts, and kielbasa sausage made in Poland is very good. “Schindler’s List”? Great movie, set largely in Krakow, focused on the German occupation of Poland in World War II and a German businessman’s rescue of Polish-Jews.

See? You actually do know quite a bit about Poland and the Polish. Full points for everyone!

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